Saturday, November 15, 2008

How [blank] made me [blank]...The History

Er, hi.
And, er, hier.
And, umm, well, er, hiest!

... ... ...

I did hear you sigh and saw you roll your eyes. I'm VERY good at guessing people's thought currents, and this supernatural power of mine enables me to say with certainty that your thoughts, upon reading my opening line, ran as follows, "If that's the average vocabulary of this person, what on earth led her to open a BLOG of all things?" Well, I can't pretend that the question hasn't bugged me. What led me to open this blog is a mystery to me as of yet, you see I never wanted a blog of my own and never even knew that ordinary people, like myself, blogged. I always associated blogging with celebrities, and vaguely looked upon a "a blog"(dark, dubious word) as the most harmless way of kicking each other that celebrities had come up with. Don't blame me, the first time I heard the word "blog" was when some stupid celebrity indirectly abused a stupider celebrity(I'm no good at remembering celebrity names, but I think they were two of the famous Khans) through a blog and the newspapers raised hell about it. That ordinary people could also blog occurred to me after a certain friend of mine was kind enough to post me the link to his own blog, and unkind enough to remind me (albeit in his polite gentlemanly manner) that I wasn't in a hurry to read it. But even after I did read it, all it did was make my jaw hit the floor with an enormous thud, and leave me to wonder dizzily for the next 78 hours how a person with the same cerebrospinal fluid as me could write SO well. It definitely didn't make me want a blog of my own, and I'd have grown into a blogless old spinster had I not chanced upon another friend's blog, which would have given me another bruise in my jaw if I hadn't caught it in time. This was the one that vaguely made me contemplate the possibility of getting myself a bloggy. But direct inspiration, as usual, came from my supremely adored mentor, whose blog I saw right now. And now I advise all of you to stop reading this crap I'm writing, and take a look at the blogs I mentioned right now. Trust me, you won't regret it, you'll only feel absolutely disinclined to continue reading THIS.
But since I've started, I won't stop till I pen down the whole history. This is the first time I'm writing History, and not for the sake of marks. Well, like every teenager, I too have a tendency of doing exactly what everyone else is doing(even if none of them are doing the sensible thing), and I decided that to live without a blog any longer was an impossiblity seeing that THREE of my friends already had blogs of their own. The same thing had happened with story-writing a few days ago, my entire friends-circle had developed a sudden story writing mania which wore off with the first hint of the Tests. I hope it won't happen to my blog as well, though I don't trust myself enough to be certain. Well, whatever, I had no idea how to name my blog and ended up with "I Me Myself" which is actually the perfect name, because I'm no celebrity and I'm writing this only for myself, for the fun of writing a blog, addresing it to a more or less imaginary audience(because I'm determined not to let the majority of my friends read this). I mean, why would I fancy that people would actually be interested in anything that I've got to say about my exceedingly commonplace existence which is in no way even remotely different from their own?
Anyway, when I finally came down to posting, I created a very deep furrow on my brow, gravely switched of Hey There Delilah(which, by the way, is an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G song, and if you don't have a limited internet connection like me, I advise you to download it right now! (I wonder why I keep telling my audience to do things that'll lead them OFF me!)) and ran a Google search for "blog names". Here's what they offered:

Ultimate List of Blog Heading Templates & Titles for Blogging

Written by Jacob Cass on Sunday, February 17, 2008 – 11:07 am

Below I have collected a huge list of great blog heading templates and titles for blogging. You can use these templates to customise your blog title and is a great resource if you ever have writers block.

1. Warning: [blank].

2. How [blank] Made Me [blank].

3. Are You [blank]?

4. [Blank] Ways to [blank].

5. If You’re [blank], You Can [blank].

I daresay this Cass guy expected me to fill in the "blank"s, but I decided to let them be. And then I grimly proceeded to write my first post, only to discover, to my shock, that the most imaginative opening word I could come up with was "Er"! Imagine that!

Uh oh! My music teacher is here, and I have to stop now. Hey, I HEARD that sigh of relief, how RUDE of you! x-( Well, much as I'd like to pretend to be angry, I'm afraid I can't. More next time. Till then, adios! :-)

P.S. I've just read my whole post again, and have come to the conclusion that the friend of mine who offered me a nobel prize for prolixity was an extremely insightful person.

PP.S. Wow, this thing actually has a multi-lingual feature. I can type Hindi! क्या बात हैं! मज़ा गया! I hope you can't read Hindi, becoz I'm sure that was full of grammatical errors. Hindi was my worst language in school, you see.

PP.SS. Wow, I just posted my first blog-post! Yiipiie!


Rohan said...

Music teacher?
Gods, you actually learn how to be a musical person? I thought you were a natural!

Rara Avis said...

R-r-rohan!!!! How on earth or heaven or hell did you come across my blog?! ROHAN GHATAK! I myself forgot the link to this place, I thought I'd never be able to find it again, and was rather glad in a way. But then it occurred to me to run a search in the History column of Mozilla Firefox, and so here I am again.

Unknown said...

why, i DID NOT heave a sigh of relief, you are musical naturally, AND this blog was interesting--because it's SO YOU! by the way, your esteemed mentor will ALSO think that this is a GOOD start (i KNOW that much). And in case you didn't know, I'm going to 1) log in with your id, 2)post the link TO your blog on your profile. There, don't say I didn't warn you.

Rohan said...

My lady, I seek your pardon if my presence in your blog affects your tranquility and state of mind. If you desire that I should not visit this blog again, so be it.

Rara Avis said...

Diana dahlin', you'll do nothing of the sort. I have different passwords for each account, so you wont be able to log in to facebook with my gmail or even yahoo password! Yoohoo! :-D
Cat, your presence does not affect my peace of mind any more now that I've got used to it. It definitely DID affect me yesterday. I felt embarrassed to know that you'd read this trash. I didn't intend to let anyone other than Deya and Kiki read this, you see. But now that you have read the first, you might as well read the rest, and tell me what you like or dislike.

Kiki said...

1. inspired from my blog?? rara you are a REAL comfort, because only a week back i showed a random blog entry of mine to, and he said it inspired him never to start blogging!!

2. i beg to differ with Dianna (see i got some language) its not not just a good but a great start! pity i still havent manage to find the Add button here. blame my comp.

3. i love your blog! congratulations and best wishes, etc etc

Rohan said...

Is this self-depreciation some kind of disease or what?

Rara Avis said...

No, OC. I'm not even remotely diseased, I assure you. You know as well as I do that this was trash. In fact, you know it better than me. Anyone who's visited your blog can tell.
But I, like a very sensible person, decided not to go on a comparison trip and just be myself. It doesn't matter if my writing is inferior to yours, I cannot allow the natural feelings of inferiority/embarrassment to stop me from blogging. On that logic, most writers should give up their work, simply because they cannot hope to equal some better authors. See HOW sensible I am? :-D

Rara Avis said...

And WHO says I'm a natural at music? Rohan, was that an attempt to avoid commenting on the general writing? I suspect so! I mean, you've never heard me play or sing! All the times Anwesha and I spent singing at the top of our voices found you engrossed in some erudite mathematical discussion with PC. I rather enjoyed annoying you guys! :P

@Kiki: Feel free to call me anytime you need an accessory to break your relatives head.

Kiki said...

lol.. rara.. i refrained from doing that myself.. they say that going to those juvenile correction centres is actually worse than being hanged! ;)

Pratiti said...

couldn's agree more with rohan about bloggers and self-deprecation. but on second thoughts, i think it's cheap tactics to get praise and publicity. sroyon(blogger i know) keeps talking about bloggers and cheap tactics. NOW i see.
and considering i inspired you and all, why didn't you tell me you started a blog, you dolt?!

Rara Avis said...

No, Prat. It's no cheap tactic, my tactics are never "cheap"! They're almost always clever and spotless!
As for the self-depreciation part, it had nothing to do with tactics of any sort. I was embarrassed that Rohan had read my idiotic blog, because I didn't intend to let him. It's as simple as that.
As for not telling YOU, Pratiti Deb, I had MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO TELL YOU. If you're reading this, then let me know how I can. You never reply to wall-posts and never pick up the phone and never reply to're, like, incommunicado!

Dev said...

i am sure now that i was right. you are muddled. totally. but i thought you were nuts. nope. You are perfectly normal and slightly more than i am too, which is not saying much,yeah. And trash? this? gawd, and i thought you could understand english... i was so wrong...however, keep up the trash then...